The General Guide to Albion • Marshall • Calhoun County is a print and web publication with quality current information about communities near Albion.
The Guide is often put up on peoples’ refrigerators as a small calendar but also a decorative local item. We also have an Albion Calendar Page where people can access local music and community meetings all in one place.
The General Guide is made possible by businesses that participate in our annual Web Marketing Program. The program includes links to your business website from five community websites, such as and The program also includes some ongoing web marketing consulting.
Fill out the form below and we will send you the information about participation and for sponsorship opportunities.
Our Annual Web Marketing Program for the Mid-Michigan Connected Communities includes links to your business website from several longstanding community websites including
Benefits include:
- Promotion of your organization in print, online year round. Listing in the printed, annual General Guide to Mid-Michigan with distribution to every home in Albion, Marshall and locations in Calhoun County.
- Designer publication – The General Guide is designed to be put on a refrigerator year-round as a reference for big events across mid-Michigan. Your business will be featured alongside an artistic calendar either as a text listing or a display ad.
- Distribution to every home in Albion, MI, and rural Albion through the local newspaper, Salesman/Morning Star. Extended run editions include distribution to every home in Marshall and nearby as an insert to the Ad-Visor & Chronicle. Printed General Guides are also distributed to high foot traffic locations in three cities in Calhoun County: Albion, Marshall, and Battle Creek.
- Web traffic – Increase web traffic to your business. Links and text to your business or organization’s website from several long-standing community websites including:, Mars, BattleCreekMich. com,, and
New sites:, - Additional promotion, especially if your business or event ties in with the theme for one of the editions, and for sponsors with display ads in the General Guide.
- Announcements for General Guide publication are featured in printed news stories and through emails from Albion E-news and Albion Chamber of Commerce e-blast.
- Optional boutique web analysis – We offer an option to create a written overview on your business web presence, including your website, social media and Google Analytics, upon request and with permissions to access.
More Features of the Connected Communities of Mid-Michigan websites
Our main website, includes our work, plus articles from the local newspaper, The Recorder and historian Frank Passic stories. Stories and photos on the website about related topics in each Guide:
- Health & Wellness, Senior Resources, Mental Health Resources, Local Food
- Outdoors, Parks & Trails
- Arts & Culture, Entertainment, Celebrations
- Education & Lifelong learning;
- Giving, Volunteerism
- Local Businesses, Employment, Economic Development
- See past issues of the General Guide on this post: general-guide-archives