Welcome to The Recorder Newspaper Archive,
a special section of AlbionMich.net.
The latest version of The Recorder
The Recorder and The Morning Star have new ownership.
You can now sign up for The Recorder newspaper’s new digital subscription. The new setup is nice; you can zoom in and flip the pages. There are articles by Sylvia Benavidez, Jim Whitehouse, and Frank Passic! Plus, Police Notes! There are articles by Publisher Mike Wilcox and Assistant Publisher Jordan Wilcox about the new ownership of The Recorder and the Morning Star. Albion is lucky to still have a printed newspaper. The price for the digital subscription is very reasonable, and the price for the printed edition is about the same as before.
Please support your local news. We need the press more than ever before!
The link to sign up is here: https://publisher.etype.services/Albion-Recorder
Click on the different tabs and select either digital, or the combo print and digital and then “Sign Up.”
The official website of The Recorder is WilcoxNewspapers.com, and select “Albion.”
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You can buy The Recorder to get the most up-to-date local news at the following locations:
- Family Fare
- Parks Pharmacy
- Albion Shell
- Speedway
- PS Food Mart
- Kelly Express
- Marathon Gas Station
- Snack Shop
- YellowBird Chocolate
- Stirling Books
Other locations
- Marshall Family Fare
- Springport Marathon
- Duck Lake General Store
- Hutch’s Food Center – Spring Arbor
- Weatherwax Pharmacy – Spring Arbor
- Spring Arbor Express
- Concord PS Food Mart
- Holton’s Hardware – Concord
- Pulaski Mall
Even Older Stories
To read more current articles, please buy a copy at the local news stand, or subscribe!
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Check back often to see more news, and collections of stories by local writers. See stories by Linda Kolmodin, Michelle Mueller, and Nicolás Dumit Estévez Raful. More coming soon!
A story by Frank Passic (dated 2001)
A stable presence in downtown Albion for 133 years has been the Albion Recorder newspaper, which has had several locations during its history.
The Albion Recorder has been around a lot longer than you think–even longer than the Marshall Chronicle.
In fact, the Recorder dates back to the post-Civil War era when political alliances were strong, and newspapers were the “right arm” of propaganda for the Democratic or Republican parties.
Back in 1855 the Albion Mirror newspaper was founded, and expressed the views of the Democratic party which leaned against the coming Civil War and our participation in it. Albion had several prominent “Copperheads”(as they were called) living here…
Read more of Franks’s history of The Recorder by clicking here!
The office of The Recorder is currently at 102 N Main St., Concord, Michigan. This is 8 miles from Albion and about fifteen minutes away. The old location was handy to drop off advertising and payments. Phone (517) 629-0041
The Recorder Newspaper (OLD OFFICE)
125 E. Cass Street
Albion, MI 49224
Phone (517) 629-0041
Fax (517) 629-5210
Click here for subscription information
For the new subscription information including the new digital subscription, please visit the link at the top of the page.
Albion’s wealth of public parks is captured in this mixed media rendering of “Park Place” that includes Lloyd Park.
The art was created by Maggie LaNoue by a commission from John Geyer. His business, “Park Place Apartments” is located in this area, as are the Morning Star/ Recorder offices.
The bridge shown is the Cass Street bridge, which was first built in 1896. Peeking out above the bridge is Albion’s famed Coca-Cola mural.
Prints and cards with art by Maggie LaNoue are available at MichiganPrints.com or visit Pure Albion, Anna’s House of Flowers or Eastend Studio & Gallery.
Serving Albion and the surrounding communities since 1868