The results of the election from May 4 are in. The City of Albion Recreation Millage was passed with 377 votes Yes and 154 No votes. The turnout was 9.82% of all registered voters in Albion.
Click below to see the final details:
Overall results are here:
There is one item on the ballot for the Special Election in Albion, Michigan on Tuesday, May 4, 2021.
There are three different methods to vote.
ALBION CITY Recreation Millage Proposal
ALBION, Mich. — The City of Albion, the Battle Creek YMCA and Albion College joined forces to provide fitness and healthier lifestyle opportunities for the community.

Shall the City of Albion levy the current two mills ($2.00 per $1,000.00) on taxable value of property located in the City of Albion for three years beginning with the 2022tax levy year and running through the 2024tax levy year (inclusive), which in the first year of such tax levy will raise an estimated revenue of One Hundred Eighty FiveThousand and Six Hundred Dollars ($185,600.00) used for the specific purpose of continuing operation of City of Albion recreation programs for young people, adults, families, and senior citizens? Taxes within the Downtown Development Authority (DDA) and Tax Increment Finance Authority (TIFA) districts will be distributed as prescribed by law. Source: Calhoun County website.
The City of Albion Recreation Department is funded through a Special Recreation Millage, part of which helps fund the Forks Senior Center. The Recreation Department’s budget is augmented by grant funding, private donations and program fees.
The goal is to get residents involved in a healthy lifestyle, which will increase productivity and make for a more vibrate community.
There is an election to renew this millage on Tuesday, May 4, 2021
Recreation activities are provided by the Battle Creek YMCA with events hosted at Washington Gardner school and the Bohm Theatre.
Three Ways to Vote!
Vote at the polling location for your precinct.
If you have an absentee ballot you can drop it off at the dropbox at City Hall Albion at 112 W. Cass Street before 8 p.m on the day of the election.

There is an option to vote at City Hall, even for those who are not yet registered. If you are a resident of the city of Albion, at least 18 years old, you can bring your photo ID to the Albion City Clerk’s office to register, even on election day, and vote on-site.
Since Proposal 3 passed in 2018, there is no deadline to register to vote in the State of Michigan. Michigan now allows Same Day registration.

A – This is a renewal of an existing millage that is ending in 2021. The renewal would not create an increase to the percentage. More programs are being offered with new partnerships with Albion College and the Battle Creak YMCA Family Services.
A – COST: Free to Albion Residents
While the primary goal of the City Recreation Department is to engage residents in leisure activities and to provide healthy lifestyle choices, they also understand and accept the responsibility to prepare our city’s school age youth for the educational and behavioral expectations of high school and beyond. To this end, many of the youth programs require that participants meet an academic and behavioral standard to participate.
The City of Albion Recreation Department is funded through a Special Recreation Millage, part of which helps fund the Forks Senior Center. The Recreation Departments budget is augmented by grant funding, private donations and program fees.

Did you know? Albion Recreation Department partnered with Albion Public Schools in 1958 and one of the results was the creation of T-ball with Jerry Sacharski .
Read more here:

Albion Community Bike Ride was an Albion Recreation Program in 2016. See more photos on this link:
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