COVID-19 Neighborhood Testing in Albion Michigan – 2020

Posted by Albion Health Care Alliance on Monday, November 30, 2020

Register for a test in advance by calling the COVID hotline at 1-888-535-6136,(and press 1).


The State of Michigan free community testing site is live IN ALBION at Washington Gardner from Noon-7 Mondays and Wednesdays, and from 9-5 on Fridays.
This is a saliva test and is easy, something like biting a toothbrush for 3 minutes.

The Albion community must “use it or lose it”. So please get out regularly (once every week or couple of weeks is a good idea) and get tested

Click thru the links to schedule and learn more about the free testing in the Albion community.

Official test details and schedule appointment:
Walk-ins are also welcome

Availability is subject to change

Enter the site from Berrien Street

Google Map of entry way:

Current Days for testing:

Mondays – 12 Noon – 7:00 p.m.

Wednesdays – 12 Noon – 7:00 p.m

Fridays – 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.

Availability is subject to change

Mlive article
confirming details and that the price is free

Neighborhood Testing Site

“Testing is free and locations were chosen in part to help address racial and ethnic disparities that existed prior to the …  and were exacerbated…,” said Dr.Joneigh Khaldun, chief medical executive and chief deputy of health and MDHHS.“We are pleased more than 2,600 Michiganders have been tested at one of the Neighborhood Testing Sites since they opened at the end of August.”

Link and text from State of Michigan site:

The new sites join 19 other sites in Albion, Detroit, Ecorse, Flint, Graying, Lansing, Niles, Roseville, Saginaw and Wayne. Language translation is being provided at all sites, as well as assistance for the deaf and hard of hearing.

Testing sites are offering saliva tests, which are less invasive than nasal swabs and may make the testing process more tolerable for some people.

The dates of the testing are also listed on the Albion Google calendar. This calendar includes special events at the Bohm Theatre, Albion City Council meetings,  and more.
See this calendar many other community calendars from Albion College, Marshall Schools, and area chambers at:

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