Calhoun County Unofficial Election Results
November 5, 2024 Presidential Election
The City of Albion is divided into 6 precincts. Residents of each precinct have their own City Councilperson representing them.
Visit this page to see the latest ballot:
Visit Vote411.org/michigan to get bios on candidates and your ballot preview:
Below is the official City of Albion webpage with links to the current and official precinct maps. (scroll down on the link below to view them.)
The Calhoun County website shows Albion precincts from older maps (2013- 2021) at this link: https://calhouncountymi.gov/departments/clerk_and_register_of_deeds/precinct_locations.php
Here are the Albion City Council members by precinct :
A registered voter must vote at the polling location for his or her own precinct, which is determined by the voter’s address. Check the table below for the address of your polling location.
According to Michigan law, a person can register to vote up to the day of the election. To request an absentee ballot electronically, a voter has up to 18 days prior to the election. A person can request an absentee ballot in person up to the day of the election. Remember to keep in mind how much work your local city clerk has to manage on the day of an election – plan ahead.
See the three different ways to vote in Michigan on the link below:
See the Michigan Secretary of State webpage here:
The link above includes many Secretary of State services including
Additional elections and voter information is available by clicking on the menu tabs on the left. For more information about elections or to check your registered voter status online, please visit the State of Michigan Voter website.
How to get involved with Albion
Watch City of Albion YouTube Channels
Link to City of Albion YouTube Channel – youtube.com/@cityofalbionmi1246/streams
Link to Albion Economic Development Corporation YouTube Channel – youtube.com/@albioneconomicdevelopmentcorp/videos
Options: YouTube provides auto-generated transcripts of all meetings. Desktop access to transcripts may require clicking on the three dots and selecting “View Transcript” This can be a time-saver, and allow access for hearing-impaired individuals.
Read the agendas for Albion City Council and Albion Economic Development meetings. Come to the meetings. Comments from the public are allowed for items that are on the agenda. City Council meetings are usually on the first and third Mondays of each month. If there is a Monday holiday, the meeting is often held the next day. See the Albion Google Calendar page for links to city meetings, agendas, and YouTube videos.
- To view the city’s portal for meetings and to subscribe to City E-Updates visit https://cialbionmius.civicweb.
net/Portal/ - Several of Albion’s boards have open spots.
- To apply, visit https://cialbionmius.
civicweb.net/Portal/ Board Application – Select the board/commission/task force you want to apply to.