If you have trouble enlarging the map so you can see the legends of the parks, Purple Gang Tour spots, Historical Markers, and Public Art locations on the map, try clicking the next link to access:
Albion Parks and the Albion River Trail – https://www.google.com/maps/d/viewer?mid=1baPMs9oVKN2316Un2–Piu926wU&hl=en&usp=sharing
This Interactive Google Map shows several types of locations near the Albion River Trail. There are custom icons and layers with information associated with each marker. Access by clicking on the markers.
- Art near the Albion River Trail
- Purple Gang locations near the Albion River Trail
- Albion Parks and their location marked along with the Albion River Trail.
- See more information on the Albion River Trail link in the upper menu.
See more posts about the trails that meet in Albion on the following link: