Albion Food Hub & Farmers’ Market

The sponsor of the Local Food Edition – May and June, has been Albion Farmers’ Market and Albion Food Hub in recent years.

From the Albion Community Foundation website on this link:

“The Food Hub is designed to be a multi-purpose center with an emphasis on generating food-related businesses from the shared-use kitchen,” says Florence. “We’ll serve as an initial home base where small businesses can develop. Additionally, fresh local foods will be sold in the Fresh Food Market year- round, including produce, fruits, dairy, processed meat, honey, jam, vinegars, maple syrup, and hopefully, many other items.”

According to Peggy Sindt, the AEDC’s President, “Supporting food entrepreneurs is a natural extension of the Albion Economic Development Corporation’s long-standing business incubator, which has helped start several manufacturing businesses and supported a technology company. I am excited to think that our commercial kitchen will be the setting for producing great local food products for all of us to purchase and enjoy! Undertaking this initiative in partnership with the Albion Community Foundation and other local groups will be a win-win for Albion.”

“Another program component,” says Florence, “will be space for a ‘winter farmers’ market,’ or at least a fresh food exchange market during the cold months. We have garage space in the rear of the building which can be heated on market days so that buyers can have access to fresh, healthy, food directly from the farmer.” The market will be able to accept SNAP benefits, Project Fresh coupons, and Michigan Double-Up Food Bucks.”

Above, Chef Joe of the Albion Malleable Brewery has been busy testing recipes in the commercial kitchen of the Albion Food Hub.

Albion Farmers’ Market takes place on Saturdays year round.  In the warmer months, the market takes place at Stoffer Plaza.  In the cooler months, there is an indoor Farmers’ Market inside the Albion Food Hub.  Visit the Albion Farmers’ Market on Facebook by clicking here.

The Albion Food Hub and Albion Farmers’ Market sponsored the Local Food Edition General Guides in 2016 and 2017.